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Agile basics

Agile delivery explained

by Simon Buehring
Explore the defining techniques that set Agile delivery apart and unlock a world of streamlined project success in your professional sphere.
Agile delivery

Understanding Agile delivery

Agile delivery reshapes how teams handle projects by prioritising adaptability and customer collaboration. In the tech sector, it’s pivotal for meeting the rapidly changing market demands and enhancing team dynamics.

Origins of Agile delivery

Agile delivery sparked a revolution in software development during the 1990s. Frustrated by traditional, rigid processes, innovators sought a flexible approach. The result was Agile, a shift towards iterative progress and client involvement.

Key principles of Agile

Four fundamental values define Agile delivery: valuing individuals and interactions over processes, working solutions over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. These principles guide Agile practices, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness.

Agile delivery methodologies in depth

All Agile methodologies brings their own strengths to product development, designed to facilitate team collaboration and rapid value delivery. The selection of the methodology often depends on the project’s needs, team size, and stakeholders’ requirements.


Scrum is a prevalent Agile framework due to its clear roles and iterative nature. It includes roles like the Product Owner, who defines the product vision, and the Scrum Master, who guides the team through the Scrum process. Teams work in regular cycles called Sprints, delivering potentially shippable Product Increments. Core to Scrum are ceremonies like daily stand-up meetings, Sprint Reviews, and Sprint Retrospectives, promoting transparency and continuous learning. Artefacts such as the Sprint Backlog and Product Backlog help manage and prioritise work, ensuring a focus on delivering the most value.


Kanban offers a more fluid approach to Agile, focusing on visualising work with a Kanban board, limiting work in progress, and managing flow. It is ideal for teams that require a high degree of adaptability and those dealing with incoming tasks that vary in priority and size. Unlike Scrum, Kanban doesn’t work in fixed iterations but encourages ongoing delivery, making it easy to adapt to changes without the need for structured Sprints.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming, or XP, targets software quality and responsive design with practices like pair programming and test-driven development (TDD). Pair programming encourages collective code ownership and decreases bug rates, while TDD ensures that new features are built correctly from the start. XP’s frequent releases and emphasis on customer feedback make it suitable for projects where requirements are expected to change frequently, demanding a high level of code quality and flexibility.

Agile delivery model

In the heart of Agile delivery lies a model that thrives on flexibility and is inherently focused on achieving customer satisfaction. It’s structured to embrace change, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to market shifts and emerging needs.

Iterations and increments

The Agile model is characterised by its iterative approach, which breaks down projects into manageable chunks called iterations. Each iteration delivers a piece of the product, termed an increment, which is a step towards the final goal. This method ensures continuous progress and allows for regular feedback, enhancing the product with each cycle.

Agile team structures

Effective Agile delivery is also dependent on its team structures. Typically composed of cross-functional members, Agile teams are designed to be self-organising, with a flat hierarchy that promotes communication and decision-making. Roles within these teams are fluid, with each member contributing to various facets of the project, ensuring versatility and a comprehensive skillset that meets the project’s demands.

Role of an Agile delivery lead

The Agile delivery lead plays a pivotal part in steering the team towards successful project completion. Their role encompasses a range of responsibilities, from orchestrating collaboration to ensuring each increment adds value.

Facilitating collaboration

The lead acts as the linchpin for team interaction, creating an environment where communication flows freely. They remove roadblocks, coach the team in Agile best practices, and work to build a robust, Agile culture. This role is crucial for maintaining the team’s momentum and fostering a collaborative workspace where everyone’s input is valued and encouraged.

Ensuring agility

To keep the team nimble, the delivery lead embeds techniques that uphold an Agile mindset across the project. They facilitate adaptive planning, encourage quick responses to change, and ensure that the team remains flexible to pivot as necessary. By doing so, they preserve the core Agile tenet of responding promptly and effectively to evolving project landscapes.

Agile delivery methods and frameworks

Agile delivery is not one-size-fits-all; it includes a variety of methods and frameworks that adapt to project scale and type. Each method brings its own benefits and ideal use cases, ensuring that teams can select the approach that best fits their project’s demands.

Feature-driven development (FDD)

Feature-driven development (FDD) prioritises a client-centric approach to software design and delivery. By focusing on delivering tangible features, FDD aligns technical efforts with customer value, ensuring that each feature adds direct benefit to the end user. This method is particularly effective when clear, specific client requirements are in play.

Lean development

Lean principles have permeated software development, focusing on creating more value with fewer resources. Lean development aims to eliminate waste, whether it’s in the form of unnecessary code, redundant tasks, or delayed decision-making. By optimising processes and emphasising efficiency, lean development streamlines production and improves overall quality.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

The Scaled Agile Framework, or SAFe, is tailored for large-scale project environments, offering a structured approach to scaling Agile across enterprise-level teams. SAFe facilitates coordination, alignment, and collaboration among multiple Agile teams, allowing for unified progression toward common goals despite a project’s vast scope. It’s a framework designed to bring agility to complexity, without sacrificing the Agile core of adaptability and swift value delivery.

Role of tools and practices in Agile delivery

In an efficient Agile delivery model, tools and methods are not just supplementary; they are integral to the success of the project. Incorporating continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) into the Agile ways of working allows for code to be integrated and tested as soon as it is developed, flagging issues early and ensuring a steady pace of delivery. CI minimizes integration challenges by encouraging frequent code merges, while CD automates the release process, enabling a quick and reliable handoff to production.

Test automation tools are another cornerstone of Agile delivery. They provide consistent and repeatable validation of new features and regression testing, which is crucial when code changes are frequent and incremental. Automated testing accelerates feedback loops and enhances software quality, freeing team members to focus on new development rather than manual testing.

Additionally, Agile project management tools facilitate collaboration and visibility. These tools, such as JIRA or Asana, allow for real-time updates and centralized information sharing. They embody Agile principles by promoting transparency, enabling cross-functional teams to synchronize their efforts, and adapt to changing requirements swiftly.

Even collaborative communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can be considered Agile tools, as they support the highly collaborative and dynamic environment necessary for Agile to thrive. They bridge gaps between distributed teams and foster a culture of open communication, which is essential for the quick decision-making Agile requires.

Crucially, these tools and methods should not overshadow the Agile manifesto’s emphasis on individuals and interactions. Instead, they should enhance those interactions, streamline processes, and automate repetitious tasks, allowing human creativity and problem-solving to take centre stage. With these tools in place, Agile teams can achieve a balance of efficiency, quality, and adaptability that defines high-performing Agile delivery models.

DevOps and Agile delivery

No discussion about Agile delivery models would be complete with talking about DevOps. DevOps stands at the heart of a successful Agile delivery model, embodying the convergence of development and operations to foster a culture of continuous improvement. At its core, DevOps is about removing the silos that traditionally separated these two domains, enabling teams to deliver software with speed, efficiency, and resilience.

In an Agile context, DevOps facilitates rapid iteration without sacrificing stability or quality. By automating the deployment pipeline, DevOps practices such as infrastructure as code, configuration management, and release automation allow for consistent and reliable environments that are essential for frequent releases. This automation, along with monitoring and feedback loops, ensures that any issues can be detected swiftly and addressed, keeping the Agile wheel turning smoothly.

Collaboration is another pillar of DevOps that aligns with Agile values. Cross-functional teams share responsibilities and work closely together, which not only accelerates the delivery process but also enhances the product’s overall quality. Agile teams thrive when barriers to communication are dismantled, and DevOps provides the framework to support this collaboration.

Embedding DevOps principles within the Agile delivery model is not just about improving the technical aspects of delivery; it’s about creating a symbiotic relationship where Agile principles guide the culture and DevOps provides the practices and tools to execute those principles effectively.

Implementing an Agile delivery process

Implementing an Agile process is a journey from initial planning to final delivery, with continuous assessment and adaptation throughout the cycle. A well-executed Agile process not only meets project goals but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

From concept to launch

The Agile project lifecycle starts with a concept that evolves through collaborative planning, iterative development, and regular reviews into a final launch. Each stage flows seamlessly into the next with the Agile model’s flexibility, allowing for feedback incorporation and adjustment at every step, ensuring the final product truly meets user needs.

Measuring and improving performance

Agile methodologies are underpinned by metrics that enable teams to track and evaluate their performance. From velocity to cycle time, these metrics offer insights into efficiency and progress. Coupled with regular retrospectives, teams leverage this data to refine their methods, remove impediments, and continually elevate their delivery process.


Agile delivery infographic

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