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PRINCE2 Agile behaviours

by Simon Buehring
Read on to discover the five behaviours of PRINCE2 Agile which are essential to successfully applying PRINCE2 in an Agile environment.
Behaviours of PRINCE2 Agile |


Incorporating PRINCE2 within an Agile environment necessitates certain adjustments by the project manager and those responsible for project assurance. Everyone working within both the project management and product development teams must adopt the PRINCE2 Agile behaviours for successful application of the methodology.

These behaviours combine with the five focus areas and targets of PRINCE2 Agile, and the concept of ‘fixing and flexing‘, to facilitate a robust application of PRINCE2 Agile practices. This integration ensures not just the smooth flow of project execution but also improved quality of output.

The five behaviours

The five PRINCE2 Agile behaviours include:

  • Transparency
  • Collaboration
  • Rich communication
  • Self-organisation
  • Exploration.

We will explore each of these in turn, before explaining the importance of the five behaviours in PRINCE2 Agile.


Transparency in Agile practices goes beyond mere visibility; it involves a shared clarity grounded in key Agile traits like sincerity, confidence, and esteem. Transparency facilitates swift choices, clear exchanges, and significant involvement, even amidst intricate situations.

Consider a scenario where a team monitors their development through a burn-down chart. Should a continuous divergence from expected progress arise, transparency obligates the group to quickly confront and diagnose the root causes. Candid discussions about these variances avert unexpected complications while strengthening the team’s capacity to tackle obstacles.


Collaboration is central to achieving efficacy, with a focus on togetherness, reciprocal aid, and the principle that the combined effort often surpasses individual contributions. Collaboration extends beyond the internal group to involve everyone with a stake in the project, particularly customers. Direct interactions with clients and aligning with their vision secures a common understanding of goals and anticipated outcomes.

For example, when a team member encounters a technical issue that could delay the project, and another member, who is progressing well with their assignments, steps in to assist, it’s a shining example of genuine teamwork. Such mutual assistance not only strengthens team bonds but also enhances collective productivity.

Rich communication

Success in Agile teams often pivots on rich communication methods. Although written messages serve a purpose, in-person conversations and visual aids typically have a stronger effect. By fostering an environment that encourages diverse and transparent communication, a sense of commitment and trust is established among team members. While written records are still valued, embracing more engaging communication forms can lessen the need for voluminous documentation.

An instance of this is when team members choose to discuss a design change using a whiteboard rather than exchanging multiple emails. This face-to-face approach usually results in quicker and more effective problem-solving.


Self-organisation in Agile practices is vital for team members managing their responsibilities. Individuals deeply involved in the work often possess the most acute understanding of how to carry it out, meriting confidence in their decision-making.

This level of independence not only motivates them but also cultivates reciprocal esteem among the team. While the senior management sets the overall direction, teams that take charge of their own procedures during the execution phase tend to thrive and maintain harmony with the overall objectives of the project.

Think of the example where children tidy up after a party, motivated by the promise of watching a movie afterwards. This scenario illustrates how self-governance can enhance productivity and satisfaction within a collective environment.


The crux of a successful project lies in understanding and producing exactly what is required. This understanding is sharpened with continuous iterations, swift feedback loops, and consistent opportunities for learning. Insights gained throughout a project’s lifespan can significantly improve the fine-tuning of the product.

PRINCE2 Agile encourages the use of experiments and investigative ‘spikes‘ as effective instruments for innovating or enhancing processes. These methods represent a systematic quest to validate assumptions or ideas, frequently clearing up uncertainties from technical and customer perspectives. The clarity gained from these approaches can contribute to better-informed choices and the improvement of the product.

Importance of the five behaviours

The merger of PRINCE2 with Agile practices highlights the importance of these five behaviours for several reasons.

  • Transparency builds trust among team members and stakeholders, fostering clear communications and reducing unexpected issues.
  • Collaboration cements relationships within teams, enhances efficiency, and aligns collective efforts towards shared objectives.
  • Rich communication ensures information is exchanged on time and accurately, reduces misunderstandings, and facilitates swift problem resolution.
  • Self-organisation gives team members responsibility and motivation, fostering a feeling of ownership aligned with project goals and boosting morale and productivity.
  • Exploration encourages constant improvement and feedback, allowing teams to fine-tune products and understand customer needs, leading to the delivery of what is truly needed.

Ultimately, the more these behaviours are demonstrated by those involved in projects and product delivery and those involved in Agile project management, the higher the prospects for succeeding with PRINCE2 Agile.


PRINCE2 Agile behaviours infographic

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